Below, I plan to document some of the conversations I’ve had about work, recruitment, business ethics, etc., with a successful entrepreneur whom I know and respect.

I hope this will serve as a guide for me when I consider starting my own business. Additionally, this offers valuable advice for any aspiring professional and leader.


This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2 - A simple watercolor landscape in blue tones with a detailed image of a hummingbird

  1. In smaller companies or startups, particularly those with fewer than 150 employees, it can be a beneficial strategy to recruit at entry-level positions and then promote employees internally
  2. Whenever feasible, aim to avoid external hires for higher-level positions. Instead, prioritize internal promotions, unless the role demands a skill set not currently present within the company
  3. Inquire about the candidate’s preferences and concerns from their previous role. Evaluate whether these align with your company’s practices
  4. If aspects they appreciated at their former company are present in yours, and you’re not implementing the practices they disliked there, take note


This image was created with the assistance of DALL·E 2 - A simple watercolor landscape with a small but detailed ant looking at the horizon, in a night setting

  1. Always make an effort to grasp the financial aspects of the organization you’re employed with. This provides valuable insight into the significance of your work
  2. Try to understand your competitors. Staying in sync with what your competitors are doing gives you an edge and keeps you aware of market trends